Blog Archive

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Grade 8
For the poem, "Incident in a Rose Garden", p. 892
  • Name the title and the poet.   
  • Identify the literary device in the poem 
  • Define it.
  • Show (Quote the words and phrases from the poem which are the literary device) and
  • Explain in your own words its meaning.
  • Use quotation marks as necessary (for the title, and for any words you directly quote.)
  • Do this concisely, clearly, promptly, and quietly.

Based on whether the classwork is completed well and handed in at the end of the period, tonight's assignment may be waylaid.

  If the classwork is handed in today by 3p, the homework assignment will be withheld.

For 8-1, homework assignment for tonight has been withheld.
For 8-2, homework assignment for tonight has been withheld.

Monday, May 17, 2021

 May 17, 2021

Grade 8 Homework and Test Prep

1.  Read "The City is So Big" by Richard Garcia, page 399
Be able to identify the "mood" of the poem, and be able to quote three words the poet uses to express this mood.
Also, identify a literary device in the poem and be prepared to define the device and explain its use and meaning in the poem...

Written homework:
2.  Read the excerpt from "The People, Yes" by Carl Sandburg, literature text page 343
Write on looseleaf, in cursive, in paragraph form, in complete sentences

  • Identify the author and title of the poem (quotation marks around title); 
  • Identify the literary device that is prevalent in the poem (hyperbole); 
  • Define the literary device;
  • Quote three examples of this device in the poem; 
  • Explain these three examples of hyperbole in plain language; 
  • Explain what is the theme that the poet is trying to express through the use of these hyperbole.
3.  Language Arts Literature Study Guide posted on Google Classroom

Grade 6 Homework and Test Prep

1.Read the poem "I Am the Creativity", p. 699 in lit text.
In cursive, in paragraph form, in complete sentences 
  • Identify the title and poet (Title has quotes around it - is not underlined like a book title)
  • Tell the literary device that is present
  • Define the literary device (metaphor)
  • Tell what are the things that are different that the poet says are same in the poem.
  • Why does the poet use metaphor to say what she want to say to the the world in this poem?  Why doesn't she just say what she means?  How does the use of metaphor help express her meaning better than if she didn't use it?  What is her meaning?
2.  Language Arts Literature Study Guide and Literature Practice on Google Classroom 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 May 12, 2021

Grade 6.  Writing effective sentences

Do work on looseleaf to hand in tomorrow. Homework heading includes name, grade, date, book name, page #, and topic name.

Warriner's p. 384

A. 1-5.  Identify as sentence, sentence fragment, or run-on.  If it is a fragment or a run-on, correct it.  If it is a correct sentence as is, you do not have to do anything.
B. 6-10  Each has two sentences.  Combine these into one sentence, using additional words or phrases as necessary, or a semi-colon to create a compound sentence.

Grade 8.  Subject-Verb and Pronoun Antecedent  Agreement 

Warriner's text p. 154.
Homework on looseleaf to hand in tomorrow.
Homework heading includes name, grade, date, book name, page #, and topic name

Do Exercise A, 1-10.
If the italicized verb in the sentence agrees with the subject and the sentence is already correct, Write "C."
If the italicized verb does not agree with the subject, write the correct form of the verb on the line.  
You need not copy the sentences.

(Tip. The subject of the sentence is NOT going to be found as the object of a prepositional phrase.)
(Tip.  Put interrogative sentences in decorative form to find the subject of the sentence.)

Do Exercise B, 11-20.
If the italicized pronoun agrees with its antecedent and the sentence is already correct, Write "C."
If the italicized pronoun does not agree with its antecedent, write the correct form of the pronoun.
You need not copy the sentences.

(Tip.  Many definite pronouns are always singular, among them: each, either, somebody)

Grade 7  Subject-Verb and Pronoun Antecedent  Agreement 

Warriner's p. 146,147
Homework on looseleaf to hand in tomorrow.
Homework heading includes name, grade, date, book name, page #, and topic name

A. 1-10
Choose the correct word or word group in parenthesis in each sentence.  
You do not need to write the entire sentence.  
(Tip:  The subject of the sentence is NOT going to be found as the object of a preposition in a prepositional phrase.)

B.  11-20
If there is an error in the sentence, write the incorrect verb or pronoun.  Then write the sentence correctly.
If the sentence is already correct, write, "C."
(Tip:  Remember many indefinite pronouns are always singular, among which are: each, and either.)


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

 May 11, 2021

6/7/8 Vocabulary Workshop p. 122

Rewrite the adages in your own words in complete sentences.  

Remote students please do on google doc in GC.

Monday, May 10, 2021

 May 10, 2021


Vocabulary Workshop Review Units 7-9

Complete pp 118 - 121, 125

Monday, May 3, 2021

 May 2, 2021

Grade 8 

Brainstorm your own childhood for memorable events such as the childhood events of Scout and Jem -

  • getting in trouble in school,
  • telling scary stories
  • trespassing on a neighbor's property

Remember moments from your own childhood that stand out; list.

Write a few notes on each - then choose three events you will write about  -

  • LIKE the writing of the house/neighborhood/ person, you will write in PRESENT TENSE, as if it is happening now.
  • Use active verbs
  • UNLIKE the writing of the house/neighborhood/person  - YOU are in this storyl
  • Use first person pronouns as necessary.  
  • Use dialogue with proper conventions of quotation marks.
  • Use at least one literary device - metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia
  • Use sensory language - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell

Draft of one event due Wednesday, 5/5

Derivatives Numbers open book quiz due Tuesday 5/4

Spelling Unit 9 test Wednesday 5/5

Unit 9 Vocabulary test Thursday 5/6

Grade 6

  • Writing scene and description due 5/5 
  • Unit 9 Vocab test 5/4
  • 6-2 Religion Chapter 11 test 5/6

Grade 7

  • Write a definition of a literary device in which you use the literary device you are defining to define it!
  • Unit 9 Vocab test 5/4

 Summer Reading Assignment Rising Eighth Graders St. Joseph School  Language Arts/Literature. Ms. Logerfo Grade 8 Summer Reading Assignment...